Ages 6-12. Children are faced with hectic lifestyles with school, peer pressure, family, technology, sports, chores, etc. Massage can decrease stress levels, calm their nerves, reduce anxiety, help them stay active, and will improve their sleep!

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Aristotle (Aris) Germar (No Medavie Blue Cross Direct Billing)

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Isabelle Wollman (No Medavie Blue Cross Direct Billing)

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Katelyn (Katie) Howard

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Lee Ryan (Ryan) Ebarle (No Medavie Blue Cross Billing)

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May Madulid

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Paulina Lema

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Peter Paluszewski (No Medavie Blue Cross Direct Billing)

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Priscilla (Paris) Ksenic

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Sahar Madi (Female Clients Only)

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Tabitha Stevenson

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Phoenix Massage & Wellness YYC

Unit 213, 160 96 Ave NE,
Calgary, AB
T3K 6G4


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