Deep Tissue / Sports / Swedish / Relaxation / Therapeutic --- Massage Therapy eases muscle pain, improves range of motion, improves sleep, boosts immunity, relieves headache pain, and can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Our experienced RMTs can help your body recover from everything life throws your way.

Aristotle (Aris) Germar (No Medavie Blue Cross Direct Billing)

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Isabelle Wollman (No Medavie Blue Cross Direct Billing)

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Katelyn (Katie) Howard

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Lee Ryan (Ryan) Ebarle (No Medavie Blue Cross Billing)

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May Madulid

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Paulina Lema

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Peter Paluszewski (No Medavie Blue Cross Direct Billing)

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Priscilla (Paris) Ksenic

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Sahar Madi (Female Clients Only)

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Tabitha Stevenson

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Phoenix Massage & Wellness YYC

Unit 213, 160 96 Ave NE,
Calgary, AB
T3K 6G4


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